Paul D. Kretkowski (
DailyWireless) brings us a nice post today:
20 Most Interesting Wireless Startups
I'll list the 20 Wireless Startups here, and you can check out
DailyWireless for the specifics on each
1) Admob2) BlykThe first free mobile virtual network operator (MVNO).
3) FONA HotSpot in every pot.
4) Futuretxt5) I'minlikewithyouInteresting concept, just won't apply to me.
6) JajahI'm liking this one - make VoIP calls from your PC or landline w/o downloads or plug-ins - even w/o having broadband.
7) Jaiku Mobile8) JottDictation turned in to email?
9) MedioMobile search
10) MozesSend and receive mobile messages to and from your fave bands, social groups, friends.
11) MyGADS12) myMobileMediaGiving mobile subscribers access to their PC (music, pictures, video).
13) ObopayThis just might be my fave of the 20...will allow me to make $$ transfers alarmingly ez (backed/secured by MasterCard).
4 words: Money on your phone.
14) RadarInstant picture conversations with your favorite people and no one else.
15) Streamverse16) TeleflipEmail on your cell phone ... for free.
17) TwitterIf you don't know what Twitter is yet, I can't explain it to you. Well, yes I can. Twitter answers the question, "What are you doing?"
Assuming somebody cares.
18) Thrrum19) VoiceThreadCreate a voicethread and collect the stories behind your pictures.
20) ZenZuiStop surfing. Start Zooming.